
Lupin indulges in violently smoke

Gowing and Cumming walked over to arrange an evening at Margate. It being wet, Gowing asked Cummings to accompany him to the hotel and have a game of billiards, knowing I never play, and in fact dispprove of the game. Cummings said he must hasten back to Margate: whereupon Lupin, to my horror, said:" I give you a game Gowing- a hundred up. A walk around the cloth I will give me an appetite for dinner." I said:" Perhaps Mister Gowing does not care to play with boy." Gowing surprise me by saying:" Oh yes, I do, if they play well," and they walked off together.

Sunday. --I was about to read Lupin a semon on smoking(which he indulges in violently) and billards, but he put on his hat and walked out. Carrie then read me a long sermon on the palpable inadvisability of treating Lupin as if he were mere child. I felt she was somewhat right, so in the evening I offered him a cigar. He seemed please, but, after a few whiffs, said:" This is a good old tup'ny-try one of mine," and he handed me a cigar as long as it was strong, which is saying a good deal.

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