
Pattles and Pattles

Found a large brick in the middle bed of garaniums, evidently come from next door. Pattles and Pattless can't find a place for Lupin.

Mrs. James is making a positive fool for Carrie. Carrie appeared in a new dress like a smock-frock. She said "smocking" was all the rage. I replied it put me in a rages. She also had on a hat as big as a kitchen coal-scuttle, and the same shape. Mrs. James went home, and both Lupin and I were somewhat pleased - the first time we have agreed on a single subject since his return. Merkins and Son write they have no vacancy for Lupin.

I should very much like to know who has wilfully torn the last five or six weeks out of my diary, with plenty of space for the record of my everyday events, and in keeping up that record I take a great deal of pains.

I asked carrie if she knew anything about it. She replied it was my own fault for leaving the diary about with a charwoman cleaning and the sweeps in the house. I said that was not an answer to my question. This retort of mine, which I thought extremely smart, would have been more effective had I not jogged my elbow against a vase on a table temporarily placed in the passage, knocked it over, and smashed it.

