
Polka dance with Carrie

Perfectly astounded at receiving an invitation for Carrie and myself fromt he Lord and Lady Mayoress to the Mansion House, to "meet the Representatatives of Trades and Commerce." My heart beat like that of a schoolboy's. Carrie eat my breakfast. I said-and I felt it from the buttom of my heart, - "Carrie darling, I was a proud man when I led you down at the aisle of the church on our wedding-day; that pride will be equalled, if not surpassed, when I lead my dear, pretty wife up to the Lord and Lady Mayoress at the Mansion House. I saw the tears in Carrie's eyes, and she said:" Charlie dear, it is I who have to be proud of you. And I am very, very proud of you. You have called me pretty; and as long as I am pretty in handsome, but you are GOOD, which is far more noble." I gave her a kiss, and she said:" I wonder if there will be any dancing? I have not danced with you for years."

I cannot tell what induced me to do it, but I seized her round the waist, and we were silly enough to be executing wild kind of polka when Sarah entered, grinning, and said:" There is a man, mum, at the door who wants to know if you want any good coals." Most annoyed at this. Spent the evening in answering, and tearing up again, the reply to the Mansion House, having left word with Sarah if Gowing or Cummings called we were not at home. Must consult Mr. Perkupp how to answer the Lord Mayor's invitation.

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